Friday, June 15, 2007

3 Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba is cited as one of the most interesting celebrities in Hollywood. Voted 2006’s Most Desirable Woman, she is a perfect package, combining beauty, sex appeal, an innate kindness, and a slight sarcastic edge. "I'm really good at being sarcastic with guys," Jessica admits. "That's the best way to hang out with them because that's what guys like. They don't want the quiet, prissy little things."

Jessica Alba is a classic good girl. In 2006, she was involved in a lawsuit against Playboy for using her image without her consent. "I don't do nudity," explains Jessica. "I just don't. Maybe that makes me a bad actress. Maybe I won't get hired in some things. But I have too much anxiety.” Proof of her natural goodness, Jessica later dropped the lawsuit after Hugh Hefner apologized and agreed to make donations to two charities that Alba supports.Want more proof of her kindness? During the filming of Awake -- one of Jessica's many films slated for release in 2007 -- Alba and costar Hayden Christensen visited the nearby Bellevue hospital and spent time with the children, bringing them Christmas goodies.

Jessica Alba’s career is showing no signs of slowing down. In fact, with seven movies coming out or being shot in 2007, including sequels to Sin City and Fantastic Four, one could make the argument that Jessica is the busiest actress working today.
